Mix the flour and salt together in a large bowl.
Add in the butter and shortening into the bowl and using a pastry cutter, a fork or even your thumb and forefinger, rub the cold fats into the flour, until it resembles a coarse meal.
Adding just a touch of icy water at a time, bring the flour together until it starts forming big clumps. Remember, you don't want to add too much water or overwork the dough.
Once it is in the form of big clumps, transfer onto a clean work bench or counter and bring the flour together gently with your hands. Once it can hold it's shape, stop. You don't have to wait until it's so smooth that you can't see the cold fats anymore. In fact, speckles of fat is actually good. Form it into a ball, divide it into two, and flatten each ball with the palm of your hand.
Warp them up in cling wrap and let them rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Whenever you want to make a pie, remove one of the flattened balls and roll it out to the shape and size of your pie pan. If you are making a double crusted pie, roll out the other ball as well.
0 servings
2 pie crusts