Tag: chocolate cake

Volcano Cake

Volcano Cake

When I was younger, I used to love birthdays! My mom’s, my dad’s, my best friend, Vaishaka’s, (maybe not so much my sister’s, because she was my mortal enemy,) but most importantly, mine. I loved the whole concept of birthday parties, everybody getting together to 

Black Forest Cake

Black Forest Cake

I love testing out recipes, especially if it is a dessert. Testing out recipes usually makes me wonder how people did it without the internet of pictures. Suppose you are trying out something you’ve never seen before, how would you have known what it looks 

Decadent Chocolate Cake

Decadent Chocolate Cake

  This is the best chocolate cake ever. Like absolutely ever. Just look at it!! Even the picture makes me wanna swipe some frosting and lick it off my fingers. This cake is soft, airy, moist, and covered in decadent chocolate, with just a hint